Veleten Ltd.


Glukhiv town, Sumy region

Herd size, head 2200
Dairy herd, head 743 (own replacement heifers)
Breed Holstein
Type of housing loose housing 
Milk and milking
Average milk yield per cow in 2017 (305 day in milk), kg 9727
Fat content, % 3.8
Protein content, % 3.2
SCC, thousand/sm3 150
Bacteria count, thousand/sm3 40
Milkings per day 3
Milking system «herringbone» 2×14 (GEA Farm Technologies)
Pregnant cows in the herd, % 65
How many lactations a cow is kept in the herd (average) 4
Culling rate, % 23
Main health problems mastitis, endometritis
Youngstock rearing
Liquid feed for calves before weaning whole milk
Age at weaning, days 45
Death rate, % 2

Age at first insemination, months

12, weight — 350 kg
Age at first calving, months  21-22
Milking cow ration corn silage, alfalfa silage, cornage, hay, sunflower meal, extruded soy, offals (barley, oats, wheat)